ITD21 Logo
Event type:
Conference / Congress / Symposium
with costs
Network for Transdisciplinary Research; USYSTdLab, ETH Zurich
Contact person:
Tobias Buser

Problems global in scale continue to challenge the world. Global crises unleashed by climate change and, more recently the COVID-19 pandemic, compel us to find sustainable solutions to social, cultural, political, economic, ecological, and health challenges. Yet, these crises have shown, once again, that existing modes of overcoming challenges are limited, ineffectual, or non-existent. There is thus a critical need to move beyond what we already know and do. Creating spaces and cultivating mindsets for learning and experimentation are keys to building new possibilities and putting us on a path to generation of sustainable solutions on global, regional and local scale.

The 2021 International Transdisciplinarity Conference (ITD), “Creating Spaces and Cultivating Mindsets for Learning and Experimentation”, provides a platform for engagement, discussion, and action that links transdisciplinary research, (un)learning, and practice. Real-world labs, living labs, social innovations, Global South & Global North encounters, and transition experiments, serve as inspirations for design and implementation of this event. As a virtual forum, the ITD Conference 2021 will bring together individuals, communities, and institutions from across the globe. The goal is to advance transdisciplinary concepts and methodologies while strengthening their potential for addressing societal challenges by connecting educators, researchers, practitioners, industry and business representatives, funding agencies, decision makers and students across sectors and disciplines.

Registration via conference website.