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International Transdisciplinary Conference
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Particuarly during the last decade, transdisciplinary (td) research has developed as a research practice which aims to address complex real-world problems.  A wide range of different disciplines, such as sustainability science, technology studies, or social sciences have contributed to a sophisticated understanding of the theory and practice of td research. At present, in td research various methods and formats exist (e.g. Defila und Di Giulio 2019). To choose the right format is highly significant for a common vision (the identification of a boundary object and a common research question), cooperative research activities and the governance of successful processes.

We argue for a broader view on innovative formats –  therefore, further systematization of methods and formats is needed to enhance the accuracy of fit and improve the effectiveness of methods and formats according to specific contexts and purposes. Some of the innovative methods and formats cannot be classified so easily as either method or format, yet, because of their newness in td research or various usage as either one single method or for structuration of the whole td process.

Goals of the workshop
Innovative formats have increasingly been applied during the last years in td contexts. In the light of this diversity, the workshop aims at exchanging on the experiences made in selected contexts and the specific needs for innovative formats. The guiding questions for the workshop are: What are the reasons for innovation of formats and what are specific challenges in the utilization?

Planned workshop structure
The workshop will be structured into the following 4 steps:

  • Input by the key authors to introduce the session, main goals and a proposal for definition (10 minutes)
  • Presentation of a minimum of 3 different formats and experiences in practice (3x10 minutes)
  • 3 + x Break-out groups addressing different topics oriented at the practical experiences of different formats (30 minutes)
  • Discussion in the whole group bringing together the insights from all experiences (reasons and challenges in various contexts) (20 minutes)

For more infromation about the ITD21 and how to participate please click here.

This session will be amongst others chaired by Bettina Brohmann and Melanie Mbah (Öko-Institut) from the tdAcademy team as part of the 2021 International Transdisciplinarity Conference. During the workshop, the role and shape of innovative formats in different transformative research settings will be explored in relation to transdisciplinary research. This is of particular relevance to the tdAcademy topic line 4 "New Formats".