- Topic:
- Methods for trans- and interdisciplinary research
- Target group:
- Early-career researchers, Students
- Format:
- Present
- Event type:
- Winter/Summer School
- Language:
- English
- Costs:
- with costs
- Institution:
- Öko-Institut e.V.
- Contact person:
- Dr. Regina Rhodius
The trinational summer school offers 20 PhD and master students from the universities and graduate schools of the Eucor area (Basel, Freiburg, Colmar/Mulhouse, Straßburg and Karlsruhe) and from various disciplines the opportunity to learn interactively about innovative formats and methods of transdisciplinary research. The sustainable transformation of our society does not only require the production of knowledge and the development of scientific solutions. In order to implement scientific findings successfully, it is necessary to deal with the social framework conditions. This requires close cooperation between science and society. The subject of transdisciplinary research is to design and structure this cooperation in a scientific and practice-oriented way. The summer school offers the opportunity to discover and try out different transdisciplinary formats and methods based on a case study on climate adaptation of a town district of Emmendingen (north of Freiburg in Germany). As the trinational Upper Rhine region is particularly affected by heat and as even higher temperatures and more frequent and longer heat periods are expected in the future, cities and municipalities are called upon to quickly develop adaptation strategies and measures. The PhD students will tackle this issue concretely and in direct cooperation with the City of Emmendingen.