Become a member of the GTPF and participate in a working group.

Since the Society for Transdisciplinary and Participatory Research (GTPF) was founded last year, six working groups have already been established. Members of the tdAcademy are also involved in working groups on Formats, Methods & Context and on Impact (German speaking). If you are interested, please contact the respective coordinators.

Are you located in a German-speaking region? The GTPF welcomes new members and contributors. You can apply for individual or institutional membership here.

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Apply Now! International TD Summer School 2024 in Spain

Our 3rd TD Summer School on transdisciplinarity methods and tools for dealing with sustainability and land use conflicts will take place from September 14th to September 20th 2024 in Llançà, Alt Empordà, Catalonia, Spain. The application deadline has been extended till July 14th!

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Available now: Online course on narratives in sustainability transformations

A massive addition to the tdAcademy's collection of capacity-building material: check out the new online course by the tdAcademy Fellow group "Promoting inclusion and transformative action through narratives in transdisciplinary processes". 

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Our team is currently researching four topics that are central to transdisciplinary research: Contextual dependencies, new formats, and social and scientific effects of transdisciplinary research. What are these topics about? How do we approach them? How can the community support research?

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Our website is a research platform and gathering point for transdisciplinary researchers and research on transdisciplinarity. In the tdCommunity section, researchers with similar interests meet: you can network directly, find partners for collaborations, and draw attention to your own events. In addition, we collect projects together with you to create an overview of the transdisciplinary research landscape.

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tdEvents & Capacity Building

The transdisciplinary research landscape is diverse. Around the research mode we can learn a lot from each other. Therefore, the tdAcademy offers and collects events and further education opportunities. Our event calendar creates an overview: Here you can add your own events on transdisciplinarity.

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22. Juli 2024

What is the current status of the tdAcademy fellowship program and which fellows we are going to welcome in the final project phase?

The fellowship program of the tdAcademy is entering its final phase: the program is still available until March 2025 and is open to further interested candidates. In this post, we report on our current fellows, where they stand, what activities are still planned and which new members we will soon be welcoming.

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22. Juli 2024

tdAcademy goes ITD24 – An Overview of the Contributions

This year's ITD24 conference “Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Beyond Buzzwords: Educational Pathways for Sustainable Research Collaborations” will take place in Utrecht, the Netherlands, from November 8-9, 2024. In this update, we would like to give you an overview of our contributions.

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Upcoming Events

Discussion / Panel discussion

Wirkungen in der Partizipativen Gesundheitsforschung (PGF) greifbar machen

Methods for trans- and interdisciplinary research, Transdisciplinary research
All interested
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Call for PhD Applications: Sustainable Innovations in Housing

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HN School
Winter/Summer School

3. Humboldtⁿ-School “Planetary Health in NRW – Momentum for Change“

Interdisciplinary research, Transdisciplinary research, Transformative research
Early-career researchers, Postdocs / Senior researchers
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Winter/Summer School

Students for Rivers Camp Neretva

Transdisciplinary research
Early-career researchers
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