The tdAcademy would like to contribute to capacity building in the field of transdisciplinary research by documenting its findings from research and exchange online and making them available free of charge. In this section you will therefore find a growing variety of materials in text, image and video that further educate on topics of transdisciplinary research with a focus on our four topic lines.

Below you will first find our videos and below the reports.


27. März 2024

Online-Course “Perspectives on Narratives in Sustainability Transformations” – Introductory video

Want to get to know more about narratives in sustainability transitions? Here is a teaser of an entire online-course, including video-lectures, interviews and case studies. The course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of narratives in transformation.

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22. Januar 2024

Video (EN): The what and how of transdisciplinary (TD) learning

On 6 December 2023, the tdAcademy fellowship group “Transdisciplinary Learning Towards Collective Transformation” hosted a webinar, sharing their experiences on TD learning. You couldn't be there or would like to listen again? Watch the recording in full length. 

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2. Mai 2023

Video (EN): Insights from drylands research in Spain: Coupling knowledge co-creation tools with arts-based methods for engaging actors in sustainability transformations.

The Webinar with Amanda Jiménez-Aceituno and María D. López Rodríguez (XPaths) is now available online. 

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7. Dezember 2022

Video (EN): The responsive and constitutive Character of Transdisciplinarity: Consequences for higher Education

The webinar with Ulli Vilsmaier (Responsive Research Collective, Switzerland) on is now available online.

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5. November 2022

Video (EN): Webinar: Transdisciplinary Research for Sustainable Rural Development in the Mexican context: knowledge co-production and rural change

The webinar with Ana Burgos (Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM) is now available online.

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30. Juli 2022

Video (EN): Webinar with Gemma Tejedor and Jordi Segalas on the topic "Introducing Transdiciplinary to Higher Education"

The webinar with Gemma Tejedor and Jordi Segalas (ISST/UPC) on "Introducing Transdisciplinarity in Higher Education" is now available online.

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30. Juli 2022

Video (EN): Webinar on developing Theories of Change in inter- and transdisciplinary Contexts

In the webinar „Keep rol(l)ing! Developing Theories of Change in inter- and transdisciplinary contexts“ on July 12, 2022, the tdAcademy team at ZTG and Sabine Hoffmann (eawag) presented the results of their collaborative working process.

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1. April 2022

Video (German): Webinar with Peter Wehling on disputes about the Scientificity of TD Research

In this webinar, Peter Wehling analyses the relationship between established science and transdisciplinarity and deconstructs the most common objections towards transdisciplinarity.

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25. Februar 2022

Video: Webinar with Sadaf Taimur on Design Thinking in Higher Education

Watch the recording from our Webinar with Sadaf Taimur on 'Design thinking as Digital Transformative Pedagogy in Higher Sustainability Education.'

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9. Dezember 2021

Documentation: Webinar on Hegemony in institutional Transformation

In the webinar on December 9th, 2021, tdAcademy-Fellows Livia Fritz and Ulli Vilsmaier elaborated on and discussed the concept of hegemony in the work of Antonio Gramsci.

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15. Oktober 2021

Video: Presentation on “Action-oriented knowledge for sustainability”

As a kickoff of the tdAcademy Capacity Building event series Guido Caniglia and Christopher Luederitz shared fruitful insights into action-oriented knowledge for sustainability with us on September 21, 2021.

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1. Mai 2023

Short Report: From Real-World Laboratory to Artistic Intervention - Innovative Formats and Methods of Transdisciplinary Research

On April 20, 2023, Melanie Mbah, Regina Rhodius and Bettina Brohmann (all Öko-Institut e.V.) organized a digital reflection workshop on topic line 4 "New Formats".

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2. Dezember 2022

Keeping a continuous eye on impact - results of the reflection workshop

On 29 November 2022, Josefa Kny and Martina Schäfer (ZTG/TU Berlin) organised a digital reflection workshop on thematic line 1 "Societal Effects".

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1. Dezember 2022

How to build capacities for context-sensitive research: A workshop report

On November 28 2022, the Leuphana research team (Daniel Lang, Claire Grauer, Farina Tolksdorf and Theresa Seidel) organized a 2-hour online workshop as part of topic line 3 to reflect on contextual dependencies in transdisciplinary research.

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15. Juli 2022

What is in it for research? A workshop report

On June 10, 2022, ISOE - Institute for Social-Ecological Research organized an online workshop as part of the topic line 2 to reflect on scientific impacts of transdisciplinary research.

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25. Mai 2022

Impact orientation is an ongoing topic! Results from the dialog forum

In March 2022, topic line 1 held a dialogue forum to present and discuss preliminary results and to stimulate exchange among participants.

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20. März 2022

DTdT22 Workshop: Capacity Building for Transdisciplinary Research

In March 2022, the tdAcademy conducted a workshop together with the Schader Foundation on how educational offerings promote mutual learning and design processes.

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1. Oktober 2021

Workshop Summary: ECR Session on Capacity Building needs at ITD21

Results from the early-career session as part of the ITD Conference in September 2021

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15. September 2021

ITD Session: Potentials and Limitations of Theory of Change (ToC)

In preparation for the session, we present the submissions for the ITD workshop on ToC.

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20. August 2021

ITD Session: How to assess Societal Impact of Research

In preparation for the session, we present the submissions for the ITD workshop on impact assessment.

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1. August 2021

Short Report: Dialogue Forums in Topic Line 4

In March and July 2021, two dialogue forums for scientists and practitioners with different methodological approaches took place. The short report summarizes the process and results of the workshops.

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23. Juli 2021

Workshop "The real-world laboratory - one format, many approaches?"

On July 23, 2021, the tdAcademy organized the workshop "The real-world laboratory - one format, many approaches?" in cooperation with Steinbeis Beratungszentrum Syntos and the Netzwerk Reallabore.

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30. Juni 2020

Materials on the completed project "TransImpact - Effective transdisciplinary research"

tdAcademy was the follow-up to TransImpact. Here we present the results of the completed TransImpact research project. In addition to an informative summary of the results and the key topics developed as part of the project, we provide you with a method toolbox to inspire your own research.

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