Fellow Group "Societal Impact" in Berlin: Janet Harris, Josefa Kny, Martina Schäfer (Rachel Claus absent)
The Fellow Group "Societal Impact" consisting of Rachel Claus (Royal Roads University, Canada), Janet Harris (University of Sheffield, UK) as well as Josefa Kny and Martina Schäfer (both tdAcademy tdAcademy, ZTG/TU Berlin) deal with approaches and methods of impact assessment and evaluation in transdisciplinary or participatory research. They focus on the comparison of three research fields: sustainability research, research-for-development and public health.
In 2021, they have already organized a workshop on "How to assess societal impact of research" at the ITD Conference. There, they presented the first results of their collaboration and discussed it with other experts from the three research fields. Now a detailed version of their research results was published under the title "Assessing societal effects: Lessons from evaluation approaches in transdisciplinary research fields" in the Special Focus Issue CREATING SPACES AND CULTIVATING MINDSETS FOR TRANSDISCIPLINARITY in GAiA.