

The workshop aims to promote the engagement of collaborative partners with the societal impacts of transdisciplinary research. In addition, it should enable them to create systematic impact pathways in transdisciplinary projects. It is aimed at project teams and project leaders. 


  • Introduction to theoretical foundations of transdisciplinary research and conceptual foundations for the recording of effects.
  • Application of a set of methods based on the theory-of-change approach (basis for collecting individual impact expectations)
  • Development of a common project vision
  • Collection of assumptions of the project participants about impact relationships and visualization of impact paths
  • Comparison and visualization of impact unfolding and impact paths

Topic: transdisciplinary research, societal effects
Target group: transdisciplinary research projects
Format: online or in presence
Event type: half-day workshop
Language: German or English
Costs: by arrangement
Link: Advanced training courses in the field of "Methods of Transdisciplinary Research" at the ZTG
Institution: Center for Technology and Society (ZTG) at the TU Berlin
Contact persons: Dr. Josefa Kny, Prof. Dr. Dr. Martina Schäfer

For further information and inquiries please contact Dr. Josefa Kny or Prof. Dr. Dr. Martina Schäfer.